Thursday, August 18, 2011

La Fontaine Bleue Crab Feast a smash success

Wow...what a great time!  We didn't know how many people we could expect at the big crab feast at La Fontaine Bleue last Friday, but we sure found out in a hurry as we walked in the room and saw it set for almost a full house!

Even more satisfying was seeing that fully 70% of the crowd that was there were Oracle "family" members...our fans!  You guys came through BIG TIME!

Our friends Judy and Millie were celebrating their birthdays with us.  These two are such good friends of the band and each other it's only right that we get to celebrate with both of them at the same time!  We're not really sure if they are Frick and Frack or Abbott & Costello, but they are funny and fun to be around, and we're glad they are our friends!!!

We had another very big celebration going on this particular Friday as well.  Our good friend Jean was actually with us on her WEDDING DAY!!!  How cool is that? We've known Jean almost since our very first performances at Perry's Restaurant, and now that she and Frank are together we're thrilled that she has found her soulmate.

We'd like to extend our best wishes to Jean and Frank for a very long and happy life together!!!

Our good friends Larry and Linda from the band Retrospect came out to catch the show as well.  Oracle trumpet player Steve Kimbell has known them both since playing in the pit orchestra back in the 70s at the old Harlequin Dinner Theater in Rockville.  Not only did they come out to enjoy the crustaceans, but they also brought along their HD Video cameras and captured some really good video footage of the band. 

An example may be seen in the previous blog entry on this page.  Heck, even their friend was shooting stills of the band while Larry & Linda were running the video cameras!  Many of the photos you'll see in the photo gallery were their handiwork.  We can't thank you all enough!

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